Powerstar pawan kalyan after much hesitation agreed to star in the remake of amitabh Bachchan’s hit courtroom drama, pink to be produced by dil raju but only after Raju agreed to all of his conditions. The film tentatively titled ‘Lawyer Saab’ and it has started rolling recently.
Now the latest reports in the industry claim that pawan kalyan is deeply hurt by the deceit of dil Raju. The Powerstar okayed t to do the movie only after dil raju locked agreed for the remuneration of 50 Crore. He also agreed that trivikram will be brought on-board to write the dialogues. But dil raju hasn’t stood on his words and is now negotiating to give only 35 crores to pawan as paycheque and trivikram also was not bought on-board to handle the writing department due to remuneration issues.
This has irked pawan to no-end. The movie shooting is likely to be completed in a couple of months. The plan is to release the film in May as Summer Special. MCA fame sriram venu is directing the film, which will have music by SS Thaman. This is the first Thaman is composing music for a film of pawan Kalyan.
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