Actor siddharth was last seen on screens in Tamil in the horror thriller Aval directed by debutant Milind Rau and costarring andrea jeremiah and Anisha victor and the movie was a commercial success as well. Now after two years he returned back on screen with his next Tamil movie Sivappu Manjal Pachai directed by Sasi who's directing a movie three years post the blockbuster success of Pichaikaran aka Bichagadu.
It's been made official that Sivappu Manjal Pachai was a huge success. The movie featured Music director turned Hero GV Prakash, Lijomol Jose, and kashmira pardeshi in lead roles and it has been a huge success at the Box-Office. Now, Sid is returning again with 'Vadaladu' and the Tamil version is titled as 'Aruvam'.
There are speculations that catherine tresa is doing the role of a ghost in this movie and Sid will be seen as a Food safety inspector. Regarding this catherine tresa said, "I have never acted as a ghost so far in my career. I am trying to do something out of the box. This will be something unique. But I can't break the ice and reveal the suspense. But I am sure this would be loved by everyone."
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