Tom Cruise knew he would die on performing such risky stunts... - Telugu Cinema Samacharam


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Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Tom Cruise knew he would die on performing such risky stunts...

Tom Cruise's 6th Installment in 'Mission Impossible' franchise has hit the theaters and is running successfully. The movie has some spine-chilling action sequences and daredevil stunts which are performed by Tom Cruise himself without any dupe.

One of the stunt coordinators from the movie has now revealed some shocking facts about the Helicopter Stunt sequence. He said, "It takes minimum 6 months for one to get a Helicopter license. Tom was running out of time. He said I can do it and he had two crew, each consisting of 8 members.

He worked 16 hours a day and got the pilot license in just 6 weeks. We were shocked when Tom said he would fly the Helicopter himself through the mountains as a little lapse in concentration would result in death. But, Tom took the challenge and did it. We shot that scene with 13 Helicopters behind and as many as cameras inside Tom's chopper."

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