Paathshala nailed promotions without cast support - Telugu Cinema Samacharam


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Friday, 10 October 2014

Paathshala nailed promotions without cast support

From past one month in and out of Hyderabad you have came across bunch of people in Mercedes benz minibus with placards of Paathshala movie promoting it. As expected by the makers of Paathshala, superb positive response is given by public for the unique promotions they are doing online and offline for the film. Even after having extraordinary content film in your hand and if you won’t promote it then all the hard efforts you put it gets wasted.Making a movie is art for sure but making your ideas to buy by audiences and convince them to watch your film is biggest task in this glamour world of cinema. So looking at present trend film makers are bring their projects to door steps of audiences with aggressive pre-planned promotional activities. For any film promotions its cast play key role and enthusiastically take part in it. But in Paathshala movie promotions cast of the film is seen missing and reasons for it is unknown. Is it the rift between cast and production house Or makers strong, intentional idea to project film as brand Paathshala lowering cast influence or cast unavailability is because they got busy with their new projects ? Well answer to these questions are with the cast of Paathshala and its producers. Surprisingly Paathshala team nailed promotions in-spite and in absences of cast support and it worked out perfectly in big cities like Vizag and Vijayawada. Clock is ticking down for Paathshala movie as it slated for release on 10th October, 2014.

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