Deeskha seth waiting for offers in Tollywood finally grabs a good offer in Bollywood with some real good dealings for her future. Deeksha seth in her recent interview said that Armaan her co star in latest Bollywood film is very good in hugging and she is completely comfortable in wrapped by Armaan. "We were shooting in Chattisgarh and we would sit and look at the sun, trying to figure out what time of the day it is and decide when we were about to get our break time! We made our own language and it didn't take us long to become friends. In Goa, we were shooting a very intense, romantic scene, where Armaan and I were lying down together with the his arms wrapped around me.We had to hold that position because the cameras were shifted for different angles. "I was having some random conversation with him and we were laughing about something. That day in the evening after the shoot, I realised that for a girl to be in that position with a guy and feel comfortable, secure and respected is something that takes a lot of time. That's when I realised that Armaan is family to me."
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