Ileana turns naughty in an interview - Telugu Cinema Samacharam


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Friday, 9 May 2014

Ileana turns naughty in an interview

Ileana the latest naughty beauty of Bollywood is going with some wild talk at Bollywood and also she is making some shocking comments in interviews and her naughty answers are about who is sexiest and when did she kiss for the first time?  Here are lot more things she said,

Q:Considering you have worked with Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and Shahid Kapoor, who do you think has the best body amongst these three guys? Ileana: I think Varun has a better body than Ranbir and Shahid.

Q:Between Nargis Fakhri and you, who do you think has a better body? Ileana: Nargis, hands down.

Q:Which is that one actor with whom you would like to go on a date? Ileana: Johnny Depp

Q:Will you be comfortable sporting a bikini if required? Ileana: If I am given ample time to work out and tone by body, then I don’t mind wearing a bikini

Q:You sex appeal lies in your? Ileana: It has to be my eyes

 Q:On a scale of 1 to 10, how sexy would you rate yourself to be? Ileana: I think 5 on 10

Q:If you had to choose between love and lust, you would choose Ileana: Love because love lasts longer than lust

Q:When was your first kiss? Ileana: At the age of 18

Q:Whose life-sized poster would we find in your room? Ileana: No one! I have a small picture of my family on my bedside

Q:Which is the first thing you notice in a man? Ileana: Two things actually! His honesty and genuineness

Q:What turns you off in a man? Ileana: Poor hygiene 

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